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This page is dedicated for my works in the fields of fashion. As a brand creator/creative director of a small business that were based on hobbies and friendships,

there were no specific roles and just work collectively.


In my experience with MERDU, UGLY and FATCOMPANY,

I've learned a little about business but gain abundantly about trust, friendship, materials and experiments in fashion and craft.

One (fun) thing about making small brands is that we sometimes independently act on many roles,

as the owner, designer, craftswoman, photographer, videographer, stylist, make up artist, graphic designer, accountant, marketer and

even modeled for the product to minimized the budget.


It's fun and full of struggles.

It's not perfect but it's method of learning by doing.

Here are some of the works (2016 - 2020) that gave many lessons to me in experimenting on every roles that needed to make the brand visually presented and identified as my personal aesthetic.


"Rooted in the ideas of DIY,

making my own clothing brand

impacted the creativity growth in me."

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"Making your own brand is about freedom of expression, bold experiments, sometimes mistakes happen, fallacious judgements and  imprecise financial management but all combined are the fun components of challenging the creativity energy in you."

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Ugly and Fat Company are the brands I've created along side my other friends that also contributed with the productions and the image  of our brand. We had collaborated with artists, photographers, models and lovely friends who would modeled for us, freely.


I could never do all of this alone :)

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